Our Business Model


MEDIORISCHI performs two additional activities:

  • Multi-specialist wholesale broker
  • Placing Intermediary

Wholesale broker – The wholesale broker offers other intermediaries a catalogue of insurance products that it has developed and for which, over time, it has negotiated special economic conditions and standards with insurance businesses.

Placing Intermediary – The placing intermediary is an insurance intermediary that provides insurance and reinsurance placement on the behalf of the producing intermediary (who manages the intermediation relationship with the end client directly) typically for the risk sectors or types of cover for which the market of reference for its correspondents does not offer coverage.

Under art. 22 – comma 10 D.Lgs 18 October 2012 n. 179, such activities identify an exclusively Business to Business distribution model , without any contact with the end client, which offers their correspondents (brokers – agents – authorised insurance intermediaries), who act as a producing & retail intermediaryample access to the capacity of underwriting of national and international insurance and reinsurance markets   (Lloyd’s of London).

The aim is to offer correspondents the possibility to respond to the request of clients for  insurance products and services that are not offered by their own insurers (or the Principal Company) or to use this availability in terms of commercial development for the acquisition of new clients, guaranteeing:

  • a true complementarity of the vocations and areas of expertise of the partners to the benefit of the end client;
  • high commission returnsfor the Corresponding partner;
  • effective leverage for the development or defence of the portfolio.
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“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is a success”

Henry Ford

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