Working Together

One of the factors of success of the collaboration between the retail intermediary (the broker, agent or intermediary registered with section E that has a direct relationship with the client) and the wholesale intermediary is given by the complementarity of the roles.

This complimentarity allows the retail intermediary to focus their resources and develop the relationships with their clients in the best way possible. The wholesale intermediary allows access to the specialised insurance markets or those markets not approached and also operates as an acquisition centre for the product offers that it makes available to its Correspondents.

The results of a recent survey, conducted on the French market where this figure is more developed, have irrefutably confirmed the relevance of the wholesale intermediary in the chain of value of insurance distribution and its high added value.

In order to express this added value effectively, it is important to guarantee maximum fluidity in the relationships between the wholesale intermediary and the Correspondent and to establish a collaboration that is highly effective and efficient in the processes involved in:

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is a successHenry Ford

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