The company sent a letter cancelling the policy. After this behaviour,
if I don't find a solution he is threatening to transfer the entire portfolio!”

covered in the underwriting policies of my company.
Do I have to let this opportunity pass me by?”
The companies, forced by the need to contain costs, are taking over the agencies and progressively reducing the range on offer… how can an agent protect their portfolio and have a projections of development of their clientèle? How can you keep a client if the premium is too high, has inadequate regulation conditions or if there’s no coverage of the risk available from the principal company?
We guarantee the AGENT (our correspondent) the ability to respond to the requests of the clients even when the products and services requested are not covered by their principal company. Our correspondents can use this opportunity to further their own commercial development by maintaining and consolidating the strong points of the agency relationship thanks to the “compliant” collaboration model with the regulatory framework of intermediation activity.
- effective support for the placement of risks not covered by the principal companies or for which the offer is not adequate or competitive;
- protect the relationship with the clients in the face of portfolio reform or cancellation due to an accident claim by the principal companies;
- availability of an original product catalogue that is not covered by the companies’ offer and/or target defined sectors of the clientèle;
- direct access to the specialised international market (Lloyd’s of London – Companies with freedom to provide services – Reinsurers);
- recognition of very interesting levels of remuneration;
- access to the main networks for managing customer care for their own activities abroad (outgoing international programs).