Are You an Insurance Broker?

“One of my priority objectives is to manage to concentrate the efforts and resources
in the acquisition and development of the service to my clients.
To do this I need a partner who can help me to oversee the placement of risks
on the insurance market”.
“The concentration of the market of insurance companies highlights a glaring need
to approach the specialised international market, but to do this one needs
dedicated management”
“I need assistance to place and manage particularly complex deals but I want to protect
the relationship I have with my client”

The companies are becoming more and more concentrated and it is becoming ever more important to have more efficient access to the insurance markets that qualifies the service that an independent regional broker provides to his clients, without however compromising focus and concentration on commercial development… how can a broker guarantee direct access to new insurance markets without altering their organisation and cost structure, maintaining at the same time their independence and protecting their relationship with the client?

Our mission is to guarantee the Broker access to a series of solutions, products and markets that will allow them to expand and improve the range of services they offer the clients, while at the same time remaining totally independent as professionals and/or companies.

Our offer is a brokerage of ‘service’ that, thanks to the complementarity of the activities, uses the values of dynamism, entrepreneurship, agility and availability of the regional brokerage companies (our partners) to the best effect and allows us to direct them towards commercial development and growth of the business.


  • effective support for the placement of risks for which their own market of reference does not offer adequate solutions
  • access and use of binding authorities and facilities managed by Mediorischi
  • development of solutions to optimise management of the Retail or Affinity portfolio
  • direct access to the specialised international market (Lloyd’s of London – Companies with freedom to provide services – Reinsurers)
  • possibility to access the main networks for managing the services to the clientèle that needs support for their activities abroad (outgoing international programs)
  • Solutions for Company Funds and constitution of Loans
  • recognition of very interesting levels of remuneration
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“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is a success”

Henry Ford

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