Claims Management

la gestione dei sinistri - Mediorischi
The management of claims is based on the fact that the relationship with the end client is managed directly and exclusively by the Correspondent.

MEDIORISCHI, in its role as wholesale intermediary, provides support to the Correspondent and mediates with the Companies or the assigned loss adjuster.

Given the above, protecting the relationship with the client, the Correspondent will:

  • manage the liquidation procedure on behalf of the client, dealing directly with the appraisal and liquidation parties assigned by the Underwriters or the Company;
  • inform MEDIORISCHI of any updates in the situation or any problems that may arise during the liquidation process so that they may intervene as necessary.

The operational guidelines are as follows:

report of accident or communication of circumstance

The Correspondent will inform MEDIORISCHI by email at or by fax to the number +39 02 25060936 of the claim or communication of circumstance received by their client with the relative supporting documentation.

It is important that the accompanying document with the claim contains:

Name  of the policy holder;


Correspondent name for contacts;

open claim/ communication of circumstance

the MEDIORISCHI claims manager will open the claim for the policy holder involved and will take the details required to manage the claim (archive number attributed – loss adjuster assigned – Company reference – …) and will communicate this information to the Correspondent so that they can make direct contact;

claims assistance

for any assistance needed with managing the claim, the Correspondent may contact the MEDIORISCHI claims manager;

claim liquidation

the MEDIORISCHI claims manager will send the receipt of payment and the cheque made out following the definition of the claim.

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“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is a success”

Henry Ford

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