Affinity & Bancassurance

Affinity Group refers to the groups of individuals that have similar insurance characteristics and requirements. These common elements can be linked to aspects of the private life (recreational activities, company clubs, …) or professional life (category associations, professional organisations, employees and clients of partner companies or bodies, …).
MEDIORISCHI supports it correspondents in the development of dedicated insurance programs, which can be broken down into compulsory and voluntary policies and into the various phases of realisation:
- planning of the service and analysis of the risks;
- actuation of the insurance program (selection of the insurance market, definition of the terms of placement of the convention, provision of the supporting documentation);
- stipulation of contract (draft of agreement, definition of management model and service model);
- management and distribution.
Alongside this area of operation is the offer of Bancasurrance solutions that, substantially, identifies Affinity solutions with a particular distributive declination that is developed through the banking network. Over the years, MEDIORISCHI has developed significant expertise, creating a division to manage and develop important international programs with bundle or stand alone offers.